Entries by Steve Kowalski

Super Snackin’

Like most of you, I’m planning on watching “the game” on Sunday – (when writing this, the final two have not been determined) one thing I know for sure is it’s not my Brownies!!  Being a foodie, and a snack lover, I pretty much try everything that’s put out, especially the dips. There’s something special […]

Punxsutawney Phil

This weekend we again get to be a part of a fun and very important tradition – Groundhog Day.  This blend of history, folklore, and modern culture makes Groundhog Day a unique and enduring American tradition. Without the groundhog, February 2 would be just another day on the calendar. But the great Punxsutawney Phil is […]

Getting Nutty Today

We all do it. Every once in a while, we get a craving for peanut butter. On toast or in a sandwich, there’s something in our brains that says – yep, now’s a good time for a PB & J. I was poking around the internet, and found out today is National Peanut Butter Day, […]

The Undersea World of …

It’s fun sometimes to look back at events that shaped our fascination with the world around us. For me, seeing rocket ship launches, a man walking on the moon, jets overhead, up close photography of creepy, crawly things like fascinating fly eyes and hairy spiders (still very creepy!), steam power and crystal snowflake formations (ok, […]

Steve’s 5 F’s for 2025

As the new year begins, it’s a perfect time to reflect on what matters most and set intentions that will truly enrich our lives. For me, it centers on five essential things that guide me, and hopefully you, into a fulfilling year: faith, family, friends, fitness and finally fun! When we focus on these areas, […]

Embrace the New Year

OK, so you made it through the holidays – opened your gifts, returned some items, put away the decorations and are now settling into embrace 2025. Whether you sleep in (have breakfast in bed!!) or wake up early, there are plenty of ways to make the most of the new year. 2024 was certainly a […]

Merry & Happy

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to all our KHT friends and families. Enjoy this wonderful time of year filled with good tidings and cheer. All the best always. -The gang at KHT    

Holiday Cookie Crunch

OK, I’ll admit it. I LOVE the holidays. Family festive atmosphere, gift giving (and receiving), music, decorations … and especially all the food. One thing I never tire of is Christmas/holiday cookies. I like the classics of course – frosted butter sugar cookies, peanut butter Hershey kiss drops, snickerdoodles, hello dollies (weird name), and of […]


As we come closer to the holiday season, get our decorations up and mail our last minute cards to friends and family, a certain TV show always brings back wonderful memories for Jackie and I year after year – the Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer television special. Since its debut on this day in 1964, it […]

Three Squares

You are likely reading this email in the comfort of your home, thinking about the delicious meal yesterday, and also trying to decide just how much and when you are going to jump into the leftovers. If you follow my blog posts, you know by now I’m a big “foodie.” To be honest, I’m not […]