Did you see this?

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Above: Actual shot of the total solar eclipse seen from Svalbard, Norway March 20, 2015.  Photograph- Haakon Mosvold Larsen-AP

As you know, I love anything to do with heat. And there’s nothing hotter than the sun. Tiosgenphyroheal And also, as you may know, I’m always up way before the birds. So, before I left for work this morning I watched the feed online.

Planet Earth’s only total eclipse of the sun this year was this morning and best viewed from a windowed sauna in Svalbard, Norway.

 The Kowalski clan (I had to wake my family for this and, yes, they think I’m obsessed) and the rest of us in the USA were watching the eclipse online starting at 4:30 a.m. ET this morning on Slooh.com. (go there for the replay) Of course we wore eye protection from the plant.  🙂


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And this is what a #SolarEclipse looks like from space. Courtesy NASA.



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