Gotta Love Them Apples

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As the weather is changing and the nights are getting a bit cooler, one of my favorite times of the year in NE Ohio is the fall harvest, when all of the hard working farmers put out their bounty – corn, squash, beans, tomatoes, lettuce, zucchini, – and one of my favorite foods – fresh hand-picked apples. Around here, apples are abundant – not the grocery store standards, but the farm fresh, locally grown varieties – harvested at the height of ripeness. Crisp, juicy, filled with flavor – seems like when you bite into one, you can taste the rains of summer.

I’m not sure which one is my favorite – I’m partial to Melrose (the official apple of Ohio) and Honey Crisp. I also like Mac’s and Cortland – come to think of it, I like them all. And whenever I can get it, I have a piece( or two!) of fresh apple pie, with a little vanilla ice cream on the side.

For my “foodie” friends, here’s a simple recipe – cut up one or two of your favorite apples and put them in a bowl, add a little water, cinnamon and oats, along with a sprinkle or two of sugar. Microwave for 30 seconds, stir, and microwave again for 15-30 seconds. web security Enjoy!

Make it a point to get out to the country this weekend – buy local fresh produce and a big bag of apples – I may bump into you along the way.




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